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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Benign Salivary Gland Tumors

Salivary Gland Tumors

Pleomorphic adenoma or mixed tumor is a benign tumor originating from the salivary glands can grow from minor and major salivary glands. These tumors are slow-growing, painless, movable, and chewy consistency with a smooth surface. Tumors can grow urging the surrounding tissue (Syafriadi, 2008)

Pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland tumors and are most commonly encountered in the parotid gland. This tumor is a mixed tumor (benign mixed tumor), which consists of the components of epithelial, myoepithelial and mesenchymal and arranged in a variety of components (Ansori, 2009).

Named pleomorphic because they develop from epithelial cells and connective tissue. Tumor growth is slow, round, and soft consistency. Histologically characterized by a diverse structure. usually looks like a picture of sheets, strands or as the islands of spindle or stellate (Elsoin, 2009).

Causes of salivary gland

Causes of salivary gland adenoma pleimorfik not known for certain, allegedly because of the involvement of environmental and genetic factors. Pleimorfik adenomas have clinical features of a single tumor mass, growth is slow, painless, single nodule (Ansori, 2009).

In the parotid region, although classified as a benign tumor, the tumor can grow in size and become destructive local. Total surgical resection is the only therapy. Care should be taken to prevent injury to the facial nerve and the nerve is protected even if the location is adjacent to the tumor (Adam et al., 1997; Elsoin, 2009).

Differential diagnosis for malignant neoplasm was pleomorphic adenoma: adenoid cystic carcinoma, low-grade adenocarcinoma polymorphic, neoplasms in the adnexa, and mesenchymal neoplasms. Rare complication of pleomorphic adenoma is a change in the direction of the ferocious ex-pelomorfik adenoma carcinoma (carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma) or other names mixed benign tumors that metastasize (metastazing benign mixed tumors). Prognosis of pleomorphic adenoma was perfect, with a cure rate of 96% (Asih, 2008).

Pleomorfic adenoma tumor treatment is to surgically by seeking the whole tumor tissue lifted. If the tumor is not taking caution and leave the tumor cells in the gland mesenchymal tissue, they can lead to relapse. If the tumor grows within the parotid tissue sometimes included facial nerve tumor tissue taken together. Good prognosis after treatment, because generally if there is a local recurrence showed no signs of malignancy (Syafriadi, 2008).    

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