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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Function and Histology Submandibular Glands


 Cells thick secretion from submandibular glands have different functions. Mucosal cells are most active and therefore the main product of the submandibular glands is saliva. In particular, the serous cells produce salivary amylase, which helps in the breakdown of starch in the mouth. Mucus cells secrete mucin which helps in lubrication of lobes food as it travels through the esophagus.


 Lobes contain smaller lobules, which contain adenomeres, unit of gland secretion. Adenomere each containing one or more acini, or alveoli, which are small groups of cells that secrete their products into the channel. The acini of adenomere each consisting of cells either serous or mucous, serous adenomeres to dominate.

Some adenomeres mucus can also be covered with a serous demilune, layer serous cells secrete lysozyme resembles half bulan.Seperti other exocrine glands, submandibular glands can be classified by microscopic anatomy of the secretory cells and how they are regulated. Because the nodes are branched, and because the tubules form a branch containing secretory cells, is classified as a gland submandibular gland branching tubuloacinar. Furthermore, because the secretory cells are both serous and mucous types, the submandibular gland is a mixed gland, though most serous.

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